Small Family Businesses
We are able to focus on family businesses whether it is 2, 20, 200 or 2000 people. We deal with partnerships, corporations, LLC's, and any form of business organization. We are able to integrate siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins, management and staff. We also can help design wills and estates and inheritances and resolve disputes that may arise.
Family Business Mediation accommodates the various diverse interests, assets, and concerns of all of the family members.
The parties are very often people who are working at the business table during the day or having real conversations at the diner table during the evenings.
We are available 7 days a week to address your concerns, so you do not have to be. Some businesses require more attention than others. It is the nature of thriving enterprises.
Family business is the creation of you and your family. While is sometimes hard to take a vacation with your family, it can be even harder to take a vacation from your business. We provide the working framework to resolve your conflicts, integrate your concerns and accomplish your goals in a professional business system.
Business Process
Ideas Matter
Apart from normal tasks, one of the keys for effective resolution is giving the family members a time and place to think, to be creative and to produce.
We all need a place to bring our ideas forward and discuss what we think, feel and know may be important to us, our respective families and our company.
Disagreements are natural by-product of closely held family businesses and must be properly managed, transformed and redirected into positive interactions.