nnWhen we created the Best Ideas Win problem solving program, it was originally just for family businesses. It has proven so successful it is now utilized by the United States Government, large and small companies and all across America. This is a fully integrated problem solving business system that provides clear and effective techniques and systems for difficult conflicts to be mediated and settled.nnThis Program allows productive systematic resolutions to be created within the confines of your unique family business. This process will provide a direct step by step approach to put the business on a resolution track. Change is difficult, but necessary. It can and will be challenging. Please do not let anyone tell you different.nnDealing with difficult family business matters require the engagement of many parties and serious discussions of many challenging issues.nnMany of these circumstances have been going on for years and sometimes decades, Sometimes even sibling rivalries have been present and unresolved since childhood for many members of the families.nnSome people are very engaged in the business while others may not be. Ownership, management, control and inheritance rights may be different.nnThese are just some of the challenges that our Best Ideas Win program will identify and deal with in a timely and structured format.